loci - The Lab of Cyber Intelligence


From June 27th to July 15th, Prof. Chen and Loci lab members, Shanshan Wang, Ying Pang, Gang Ming visited University of Padova in Italy.
During the visiting time, Prof.Chen and other Loci members communicated with Associate Prof. Mauro Conti attended the meeting of Associate Prof. Mauro Conti’s group and gave a presentation on the current research work of Loci lab. In addition, Prof. Chen and Loci lab members had a pleasant talk with Dr. Riccardo Spolaor, Who was under the supervision of Prof. Mauro Conti. By the way, the paper that was written by both sides is about to be submitted.
    6月27日至7月15日, 陈贞翔教授同实验室成员王闪闪,庞颖,明钢等一行四人赴意大利帕多瓦大学数学学院进行学术访问。
访问期间,陈教授等人与帕多瓦大学的Mauro Conti副教授进行的广泛深入的交流,参加了Mauro Conti副教授团队的研讨会,并介绍了Loci实验室目前开展的科研工作。此外,陈教授等人还与Mauro Conti副教授团队的Riccardo Spolaor 博士进行了愉快的讨论与交流。并且,双方合作撰写的论文也即将投稿。

University of Jinan