To foster research on Android malware and to enable a comparison of different detection approaches, we make the datasets from our project DroidCollector publicy available.
The DroidCollector applications dataset contains 150,099 benign applications and 196,760 malicious applications from 797 different malware families contain data from the Drebin project. You can find more details on the malwre application dataset in the paper .
Download Policy
We are happy to share our malware traffic dataset. However, in order to prevent any misuse, we kindly ask you to send us a mail to stating your identity and research scope. We will then send you the login credentials.
If you are in academia
- If you are a student, please ask your advisor to send us an email for the access. If you are a faculty, please send us the email from your university's email account.
- In your email, please include your name, affiliation, and homepage. The information is needed for verification purpose. Note that your request may be ignored if we are not able to determine your identity or affiliation.
- The malware traffic dataset was cleected based on Drebin dataset.If your papers or articles use the malware traffic dataset, please also cite Drebin papers:
If you are currently in industry
- Please send us an email from your company's email account. Please briefly introduce yourself (e.g., name) and your company in the mail.
- Please also attach a justification letter (PDF) in official letterhead. The justification letter needs to acknowledge the "DroidCollector" project from the University of Jinan,China and state clearly the reasons why the dataset is being requested. Also, acknowledge that the dataset will not be shared to others without our permission.
Until now the following institutions were given access
- University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA
- University of Hnu, China
- Aalto University, Finland
- Xidian University, China
- University of Cagliari, Italy