Qi He
( 何 琦 )
Major: Computer
Research Interest:
Big Data Mining,
- Graduate (2017.09 – )
School of Information Science and Engineering
University of Jinan,Jinan, P.R.China
- Undergraduate (2013.09 – 2017.06)
School of Information Engineering
Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotu, P.R.China
- National Scholarship (2015 – 2016)
- First-class Scholarship of IMUST (2016 – 2017)
- First-class Scholarship of IMUST (2015 – 2016)
- First-class Scholarship of IMUST (2014 – 2015)
- First-class Scholarship of IMUST (2013 – 2014)
- First Prize of Lanqiao Cup software and information technology Talents competition of Inner Mongolia (2016.3)
- Third Prize of Lanqiao Cup software and information technology Talents competition of National final(2016.5)
- Second Prize of ACM Internation Collegiate Programming Contest of Inner Mongolia (2015.4)
- Third Prize of ACM Internation Collegiate Programming Contest of Inner Mongolia (2014.5)
- Merit Student of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (2015.3)
- Merit Student of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (2014.3)
- "Top ten learning pacesetter" of Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology (2016.4)
- Merit Student of Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology (2015.12)
- Merit Student of Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology (2014.12)
University of Jinan